Isaac’s Profile

Isaac Olakunle Alabi was born in Ibadan, Nigeria in 1979, before moving to the United Kingdom in the late 80’s. He has worked in senior management roles in local government for over 20 years. Most recently working for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. He has a deep understanding of the inner workings of government and has a passion for serving the public.
Isaac’s project management qualifications and experience enabled him to work successfully with London Councils and Transport for London, on multiple high-profile Pan-London community projects as a senior project board advisor. Isaac has been heavily involved in procurement and implementation of several local government ICT projects.                                                                               .
Isaac has built a reputation of being reliable, committed and honest. He also, will use his extensive international network to promote the mission and values of HV100. Isaac has the skillset to build and maintain new and existing relationships, while further strengthening bonds with stakeholders, indigenous Africans and the diaspora community.

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