Joseph’s Profile

Joseph graduated from the University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. Joseph attends many different courses and trainings related to finance and the latest investment strategies pertaining to the continent of African. He has offset his engineering degree with a deep dive into the financial sector where he keeps himself aligned with the latest investment strategies and techniques.

Joseph’s story began in his second year of college when he met his mentor, who taught, trained, and connected him with entrepreneurs and investors inside and outside of Rwanda. It was then that he began working mostly with startup companies, many of which became successful. The major position Joseph held with these companies was Investor Relations and Technical Director.

After working extensively with entrepreneurs and investors alike, Joseph joined HV100 and is currently in the position of Investment Strategist. Joseph brings the skillset he acquired from the different startups to help HV100 grow exponentially. He is very talented at finding and analyzing the most profitable and sustainable business opportunities to invest in, particularly in Africa, and especially in Rwanda, where he was born. He is passionate about discovering new gems, finding strategies to invest in them, and their sustainability.

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